Sunday, April 11, 2021

Rich Eubank Gifts The Woodward with Guest Poem "Woodward House", 2020

 The neighborhood is quiet, the vision serene

with stately tress abounding

and the grass is so green.

The flowers so beautiful and the vision complete

as if from a painting, a peaceful scene.

There it is, on the corner,

the old house stands

as if speaking volumes, the picture of grand.

This house is special, a unique kind of home

Right out of a dream or perhaps some old poem.

Up the steps and across the landing

Open the door, no need to be standing

I go in with a quiet movement

Through the great standing door;

So heavy if feels, yet so easy to move

They don't make doors like this any more

A pass I have to explore this old place

Its all mine for the moment

Such an awesome space

Inside is quiet as if waiting for me

Step up on the carpet to see what I see

Over there is the library with furniture grand

Of various styles from yesteryear.

The old fireplace in the South wall stands

with a fire a-burning, a fire of good cheer

The old staircase winds to the 2nd floor

and I know that upstairs is definitely more

But for now I'll be still in this old quiet rocker

No better pace to go, no better offer

I think I have had this dream before

of a beautiful place I'd like to explore

Don't wake me now I am calm and at rest

For now I am the contented guest.

         - Wm R. Eubank, 2020

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